Sunday, January 25, 2009

Reward Swift Warriors

An official ELOK message in response to NARAL's call-to-action. (All ELOK are advised to follow suit, use trumps and up the ante. Engage Kabbalah to re-wire negative responses, identified on readThrough.)

Subject: Great start: Overturning U.S. supported reproductive enSLAVEment

Dear President Obama,

Thank you for your swift action to reverse the global gag rule!

[Please personalize your message.]
Millions of citizens have suffered because of Rapture Jihad doctrine. The Global Gag Rule jeopardized and eliminated respectful health care, which sets development baths for subsequent generations. Generations that will care for us, when we are vulnerable as elderly and reincarnated newbies.

The ELOK champion your swift lifting of the rule to enable women, the wombs and therefore heads of civilization, to have access to comprehensive health care, including options for reproductive self-regulation.

As you stand with sacred wombs locally and globally, we stand with you. Please take steps to secure the architects of the Global Gag Rule, as your personal enemies and the war criminals that they are.

Note that the ELOK further support arming and training all citizens, wombs and drones alike, with lethal self-defense methods. We support target practice with live ammunition in publically funded schools, 1st grade up. We look forward to instituting the educational materials and training for the necessary overhaul.
Renice Wernette,
Special Envoy to the Office of the President


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