Sunday, January 25, 2009

Reward Swift Warriors

An official ELOK message in response to NARAL's call-to-action. (All ELOK are advised to follow suit, use trumps and up the ante. Engage Kabbalah to re-wire negative responses, identified on readThrough.)

Subject: Great start: Overturning U.S. supported reproductive enSLAVEment

Dear President Obama,

Thank you for your swift action to reverse the global gag rule!

[Please personalize your message.]
Millions of citizens have suffered because of Rapture Jihad doctrine. The Global Gag Rule jeopardized and eliminated respectful health care, which sets development baths for subsequent generations. Generations that will care for us, when we are vulnerable as elderly and reincarnated newbies.

The ELOK champion your swift lifting of the rule to enable women, the wombs and therefore heads of civilization, to have access to comprehensive health care, including options for reproductive self-regulation.

As you stand with sacred wombs locally and globally, we stand with you. Please take steps to secure the architects of the Global Gag Rule, as your personal enemies and the war criminals that they are.

Note that the ELOK further support arming and training all citizens, wombs and drones alike, with lethal self-defense methods. We support target practice with live ammunition in publically funded schools, 1st grade up. We look forward to instituting the educational materials and training for the necessary overhaul.
Renice Wernette,
Special Envoy to the Office of the President

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Response to Dub's Reproductive Enslavement Act

Update. ELOK bigHead sent this message to U.S. federalAdministration via NARAL:
As you know, the ELOK demand that this rule be reversed immediately. Feds: delay reversal over threat of entityShock.

[see yourself surviving buttHole rApE, as war criminal. see "health cArE" corporateGroupEntity at trial for rape of publicTrust.]

Dub's Rule is a clear declaration of raptureJihad; enforced veal system will not stand. War hereby declared on perpetrators.

Alert FBI of this demand.
yours seriously,
Renice Wernette
codeName: madamePirana (femiNazi knownEntity)

ELOK response request initiator:

NARAL Pro-Choice america

Dear Renice,

Bush's latest anti-choice act:
An all-out assault on birth control.

Obama can reverse the damage and restore our rights.

Ask President-elect Obama to reverse this divisive regulation.

In late December, as Americans prepared for the holidays, President Bush issued a dangerous regulation that could allow everyone from a woman's doctor to her doctor's receptionist to deny women routine birth-control services.

The regulation is outrageous and out-of-touch, but President-elect Obama can reverse it once he gets into office.

Click here to show Obama that you'll support his efforts to restore women's reproductive freedom.

The new regulation is a tremendous step backward for women's access to reproductive-health care, including birth control. It means our reproductive freedom is moving further into the hands of everyone but ourselves. Insurance companies could deny claims for the pill, hospitals could refuse emergency contraceptives to rape survivors, and clinics that receive federal funding to care for low-income women could even refuse their patients advice about birth control.

NARAL Pro-Choice America has been fighting this regulation for months. But now that the final language has been issued by Bush, we know that a lot of women could suffer.

That's why it's so important that Obama acts quickly once he gets into office.

Please join me in urging President-elect Obama to prioritize reversing this dangerous regulation.

And then click here to spread the word to your friends and family. We need as many people contacting the president-elect as possible, so he knows he has widespread support from pro-choice Americans.

Ninety-eight percent of women use birth control at some point in their lives, and this regulation could affect any of us. We cannot afford to wait until it does.

Thanks for all that you do.

My best,
Nancy Keenan
President, NARAL Pro-Choice America